

This weekend, we had a very interesting visitor. He is a young chap, a great psionic mage who is also an amazing telepath. The very first time I met him, our association from several earlier lifetimes became rather clear. He reads one’s energy body like a piece of paper and his remote viewing capabilities are unlike anything we have seen before. While we discussed Deity-yoga and Archetypes, he mentioned he was familiar with only Shiva among the Hindu pantheon. Given his amazing ability to instantly connect to any source of energy, intelligent or not, and download a field of information, we decided to do a short experiment. I held the following Deities/Archetypes in my mind in a state of sustained śamatā induced by mantra-japa and here are his impressions. Now, what purpose does this serve? For those of my students, who still wonder if the deities are real, this can perhaps be of a little help till you actually experience them through the mantra!

1. Uccchiṣṭa Gaṇapati – Massive, huge, electric, blue, huge, very large, very powerful, playful, hot energy, alchemy.
2. Rājarājēśvarī – Quiet, alert and watching, a little stern and no-nonsense type, wait, she smiled now, very blissful!
3. Kāmākṣī – Quiet, alert, playful, very intelligent, she is like everything and nothing, everywhere and nowhere. She is like an aspect of the earlier archetype (meaning Rājarājēśvarī).
4. Tara (Buddhist) – Very kind, very powerful, cool energy, male and female.
5. Akhilāṇḍēśvarī (of Jambukēśvara kṣētra) – Wild, uncontrollable, unpredictable, volatile massive force.
6. Shiva – Apathetic, quiet, listening, and aware, but absorbed unto himself in a trance.
7. Kalī – Overpowering, let’s move to next (he got overwhelmed here).
8. Zeus – Very paternal, stern, very ancient.
9. Aphrodite – Light, bubbly, amphoteric.
10. Anubis – Dark, threatening, feels like a massive weight on the chest.

We repeated this process with a host of important Deities/Archetypes that are of interest to us. We then moved on to Mary, the Virgin adored by Christians. He could not trace or make contact with an energetic signature that mapped to the personality of the Biblical Mary. However, when we tried Jesus Christ, there indeed was a somewhat less intelligent, new (in terms of origin/appearance), and dull mass of energy that responded. On further inquiry, we could gather that it was like a Tulpa, a thoughtform or an egregore created by millions of believers pouring their intention and energy into an imagined form, which, as a result, actually begins to materialize on an etheric plane. We did not venture toward discerning Allah, who originally was a pagan moon deity, but has now morphed into a violent egregoric thoughtform fueled by the followers of the baneful Islam.

