1. Durgā is one of the chief dvāradevatā stationed outside the Bhūpura chakra, along with Indra and other dikpālakas. She is worshiped along with
डिम्भं डिम्भं सुडिम्भं पच मन दुहसां झ प्रकंपं प्रझंपं विल्लं त्रिल्लं त्रित्रिल्लं त्रिखलमखमखा कं खमं खं खमं खम् | गूहं गूहं तु गुह्यं
– Dr. Motilal Pandit Whatever the philosophical orientation of a Yogic school maybe, the cultivation of the preliminary steps, as envisaged by the
Vaṭuka-mataPūrvāmnāya gāyatrī, aindrī, sauravidyā, brahmavidyā, turīyā gāyatrī, cakṣuṣmatī, gandharvarāja, paṭhiṣad rudra, jalāpacchamanī tārā, nāmatrayī, mahāgaṇapati, ardhanārīśvara, mṛtyuñjaya, śrutidhāriṇī, mātṛkā, saṃpatsarasvatī, caṇḍayogeśvarī, śāmbhavī, parā,
सञ्चरदधरसुधामधुरध्वनिमुखरितमोहनवंशम् | वलितदृगञ्चलचञ्चलमौलिकपोलविलोलवतंसम् || रासे हरिमिह विहितविलासम् | स्मरति मनो मम कृतपरिहासम् || चन्द्रकचारुमयूरशिखण्डकमण्डलवलयितकेशम् | प्रचुरपुरन्दरधनुरनुरञ्जितमेदुरमुदिरसुवेशम् || रासे हरिमिह विहितविलासम् | स्मरति मनो
– Tulku Thondup Generally, life is a chain of births and deaths since every moment of life is the birth of a new moment
The below excerpts are from Sri Harshaji’s talk at a private gathering in Berlin last month – Aileen We started talking about Tīvra-Madhya Shaktipāta,
– Manoranjan Basu What is Yoga? What is the secret of the great power which is universally attributed to it? What are the natural
उमा कामा चार्वङ्गी टङ्कधारिणी तारा पार्वती यक्षिणी श्रीशारिका-भगवती श्रीशारदा-भगवती श्रीमहाराज्ञी-भगवती श्रीज्वाला-भगवती व्रीडा-भगवती वैखरी-भगवती वितस्ता-भगवती गङ्गा-भगवती यमुना-भगवती कालिका-भगवती सिद्धिलक्ष्मी महालक्ष्मी महात्रिपिरसुन्दरी सहस्रनाम्नी देवी भवानी
Edit: We took just less than even half of Kamakalakali Khadgamala for only the first Avarana and posted it here for the sake
ब्रह्मोवाच जय देव महादेव जयेश्वर महेश्वर | जय सर्वगुणश्रेष्ठ जय सर्वसुराधिप || जय प्रकृतिकल्याणि जय प्रकृतिनायिके | जय प्रकृतिदूराङ्गि जय प्रकृतिसुन्दरि || जयामोघमहामाय
There were several queries received about Pūrṇadīkṣā and there is no one standard answer for them really. Every Guru Sampradāya has its own technicalities
– Nṛsiṃhacaraṇa Paṇḍā Gauḍapāda holds that the world-appearance is due to the vibration of prāṇa or chitta or vijñāna. Shabdabrahman is a synonym of
There are three specific sampradāyas of Srīvidyā: Kāśmīra, Kerala, and Gauḍa. Shaktisangama Tantra divides the entire Indian sub-continent into 56 regions based on either
– Sri L N Sharma The two approaches, Vedānta and Agama, might be described as the two paths: the right path and the left