Mahachandi Durga


    During śrāvaṇa, on a particular day, Pūrṇābhiṣikta śrīvidyōpāsaka worships Mahācaṇḍikā to earn freedom from tāpatraya so as to immerse himself completely in the

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  अन्वासितं हरिहरद्रुहिणैस्सदारैः जामतृभिस्तनुभवैर्दुहितुस्सुतैश्च | अग्रोपवेशितजगज्जननीसमाज- माराधये जननि रूपमनुत्तरं ते || Last week, we received an invitation for a Kumbhābhiṣēka for a certain temple in

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Greek Mythology

Call of the Sea

  – John Milton’s Comus In the name of great Oceanus, By the earth-shaking Neptune’s mace And Tethys’ grace majestic pace, By hoary Nerus’ wrinkled look, And the Carpathian wizard’s hook, By scaly Triton’s winding shell, And

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Garbharakshambika Stotram

    श्रीमाधवी काननस्थे गर्भरक्षाम्बिके पाहि भक्तं स्तुवन्तम् || वापीतटे वामेभागे वामदेवस्य देवस्य देवी स्थिता त्वम् | मान्या वरेण्या वदान्या पाहि गर्भस्थ जन्तून् तथा भक्तलोकान्

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Jivanmukti in Tantra

  – Devavrata Sen Sharma According to the Trika system, all sādhakas who have attained the knowledge of their Essence and have had the self-experience

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Yogini Tantras

  – Roger R Jackson The Yōginī Tantras, which include the Hēvajra, Samvarōdaya, Chaṇdamahārōṣaṇa, Mahāmudrātilaka, Vajrakīlaya, Chatuhpīṭha, Buddhakapāla, and Kālacakra Tantras and texts related to

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Srichakra Mahameru

Navavarana Saparya – Puja & Tarpana

  Paraśurāma Kalpasūtra, in Gaṇanāyaka paddhati, states: सर्वत्र देवतानामसु श्रीपूर्वं पादुकामुच्चार्य पूजयामीत्यष्टाक्षरं योजयेत् | This means that the mantra to be employed during worship is:

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Kirata Murti


    On the day of Vralakṣmī Vrata several years ago, our Guru Brahmaśrī K P Shankara śāStrī initiated me into Vanadurgā Mahāvidyā. Gurunātha was

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